File share
This is a place to share file to an interior company
Menu -> Tool Tips -> File Share
Upload file:
To upload file, access to this link
Click Upload to present popup panel.
Nhấn Chọn file và trỏ tới dữ liệu cần tải lên.
Click File and point to the data you need to upload.
Then, click Open to confirm upload file that you just selected.
Add new folder:
To create a new folder in File Share, access the link above, click the Add folder to create a folder, write the new folder name and then click
Download file:
To download the document to your computer, access the link above, click the Download the document you want to. The document is saved in the Downloads folder of your computer.
Share file
To share documents with other users, access the link above, right-click on the document to share and choose Share to display the popup panel, choose partner to share. Then click to confirm.
Edit file name:
To edit the document name, access the link above, right-click the document to be shared and choose to display a popup panel, edit name that you want to. Then, click
to confirm.
Di chuyển tài liệu:
To move a document to another folder, access the link above, right-click the document to be moved and choose to display the popup panel, choose where to move the document to. Then click
to corfirm.
Copy file:
To make a copy of a document to another folder, access the link above, right-click the document to be copied and choose to display a popup panel, choose where to save the copy. Then click
to corfirm.
Delete file:
To delete a document, access the link above, right-click the document to be delete and choose to display a popup panel, choose OK to confirm the operation.