User Roles

To promote efficiency and coordination between individuals and departments, users need to be decentralized corresponding to their Roles, Authorities, and Positions. Authorities is one of the most important functions of the system, helping the Administrator to designate who is entitled to access and use certain functions structured in the system.

The image below, helps you get into the User Roles function:

The system has the function of decentralizing user groups:

Menu => System => User Role

The steps:

1. Add new role

Click in the upper right corner of the screen to add a new Role & Authority. Some things which you need to add:

Data to add:

  • Role code: Should be capitalized, no spaces, for example: BD/MD,...
  • Role Name: The name of this role. For example: Sales/Marketing,...

Then, click to complete the new add operation.

2. Edit role

Right-click the Role you want to edit and click or click to icon at the end of the role then, click

Edit the Role Code/Role Name/Description, then click

Image: Edit role

3. Delete role

You right-click the role you want to Delete and Click or click icon at the end of the role then, click

A pop-up panel appears asking to confirm the Delete operation. Click OK to agree to Delete. Click Cancel to cancel the delete operation

Image: Delete role

4. Authority of role

You right-click the role you want to choose and or press to icon at the end of the role then, press

Image: Authority of role

A screen is presented for you to choose the function to be authorized.

Some basic authorities including: View - Add - Edit - Delete.

In addition, each region has a few authorities such as Pay Permisson, Export, Import,....

Click the permission that the Role is allowed to access, the system automatically save the ticked boxes

Image: Click authority in Roles & Authority


  • If click FULL AUTHORITY, by default, other cells in the same row will also be ticked. This is a quick action to tick all permissions in the same row
  • VIEW authority is required if you want to click other authorities. Therefore, if you uncheck the VIEW authorities, the other authorities is unchecked by default.

update: 14/10/2022