Payment Request
Operator creates a Payment Request to the Manager (Director) to offer payment to the Supplier with provided services.
Below are the Configure, Creating Request, Accept Request, you need to follow each step to have this task.
1. Configure Roles & Permissions Access:
Access: Menu -> System -> User Roles
In the Name column, find to the Roles you want to Authorize (in the image below, select Director/Full Authority)
(Image: Accessing Roles & Authorities)
2. User configuration
Access: Menu -> System -> Account Management, at the end of each user click as shown below and select Edit
3. Create payment request
Step 1: Access: Menu > Operation > Service Operation > Estimated Expense Tab (Image below)
The Operator in the Travel Agent creates a Payment Request of services to the Supplier.
At the screen below, select the arrow to create a ticket
- Click the recipient's name, usually the name of the supplier you want Create a Payment Request
- Receipt type: Select Advance / Pay in full / Deposit / Other
- Payment: Bank Transfer / Cash / Credit Card
In this image:
- Accounting date: This is the date of arising accounting transactions
- Date voucher: Payment due date to Supplier, notice of payment due date from Operations to Accounting
- Number of Receipts: automatic (should not change this code)
- Currency: Payment currency. If the Currency is the same as the system's default Currency, the Rate is equal to 1. If it is not the same as the system's default Currency, if you want to change the exchange rate, click to automatically update rate.
- Accounting content: Will include content, debit account, credit account, amount, object and contract code.
- Note: For sales, operations, accountants can note information related to customers and services (Account information, customer information and other information...)
Function Notes
Function: Create payment request and automatically Save
The same function as the Request for payment and adds the Print function (Use when needing to sign or save documents)After using one of the above two functions, the system will automatically create 01 payment request at the User whose role is to permit the payment request.
4. Permit Payment Request
Access to Menu: Report -> Payment Request
The person with the Permit role will see the Payment Request like the screen below
(Image: payment permitting function)
- Role: Director/General working as an example in this tutorial
After clicking on the stamp image above , the system will POP UP 01 window of Payment Request Form.
The Moderator need to check the information on the request and click to permit the payment
After being permitted, the accounting department makes expenditures according to professional activities