Tickets Management

Landscape Ticket Management helps businesses control the number of tickets purchased, sold tickets and remaining tickets on each Supplier.

Specific actions as below:

1. Configure Supplier

Access Menu > System > General Setting > Suppliers > Voucher

Then choose the Supplier you want to manage the number of tickets

Click to finish.

Image: Voucher Supplier Configuration

2. Ticket configuration in Supplier

After the Configuration in item 1, it is necessary to configure the number of Tickets in each Service of that Supplier

Access: Menu > Supplier > Voucher > Service Tab:

  • Click to add services or click > choose Edit to edit the service already in the list
  • In the Quantity field, enter the number of tickets available
  • The Sold field is automatically updated by the system when a customer makes a booking using that ticket service and the supplier confirms the ticket.

Image: Configure the number of Tickets in the Supplier

3. Conditions for the system to calculate the number of sold tickets

  • In Section 2, in each configured Voucher Supplier service, the Sold field will be calculated by the system according to the number of tickets validated in the Operations area.
  • If the remaining number of tickets is less than the number of tickets booked in the booking, the system will give a warning immediately when operating at the booking creation step:

Image: Notice that there are not enough tickets left in the system

Update: 01/2023

Usage & Procedure

Marketing | Production | Booking service | Operation | Accounting | Finalization | System