Payment List (Customer, Supplier)

I. Function

Payment (Buyer, Supplier) helps the Accountant to control the payments to the Supplier to book the service and the payments to be paid back to the customer (in case the customer cancels the tour, reduce the number of tour guests, ... according to the business's cancellation policy)

In the list of Payments (Buyer, Supplier) displays detailed information including: Payment voucher code, booking code, Documental days, Accounting date, Customer name, Payment content, Amount spent , Payment methods.

When accessing this area, the system has a message that the report date range has not been selected, you need to choose a time, then the system displays the results according to the filtered time.


1. Filter/ find the data

  • Receipt code, payment code, receipt title, payment title, implemented tour code (for SIC tour), booking code (for Private tour and external services external services)
  • Reporting time: from... to: Reporting setup time, calculated in days Documents on receipts/payments

(Note: You can only choose a reporting period of up to 3 months, if you choose a period exceeding 3 months, the system has a warning "Report date range is not more than 3 months")

  • Payment method: Check payment method
  • Choose customer/supplier's name: The system distinguishes 3 types of objects that can generate payment voucher: Customer/Agent/Supplier. Select the object type, the system displays a list of Customers/Partners/Suppliers of that type, and there are payment vouchers in the selected period. Click to select Customer/Agent/Supplier's name.
  • Click to find the data

The system displays all receipts and payment with documental days corresponding the filtered period

2. Other operations

a. Right click on a voucher

Image: right-clicking on a voucher

  • Print: Print payment voucher
  • View: View information on the voucher
  • Edit: If the payment voucher has not been ticked Print & pay, you can edit the information on the voucher, payment amount, payment type and Approve payment (Print & pay) right at the Edit screen.
  • Delete: Delete the payment voucher. This operation can only be done when the Payment voucher has not been approved (Print & Pay).

b. Export file, download excel file list of vouchers

In the upper - right corner of the screen, click and click Export to download the report after filtering the data to the computer (file format: Excel)