
The Car Supplier system allows the management of Car suppliers.

Access: Menu -> Supplier -> Car
** There are 02 ways to add new data
1. IMPORT: Download the sample excel file on the right corner of the screen
Add the following minimum data requirements:
Image: Minimum data when import data
Data format & notes when adding data and uploading to the system, view here
If duplicate data: Supplier Name, Short Supplier name, Country name, City, Address, Rank, Email, Phone already available in the system, after Uploading the Import file, the system can't import (except for the case of ticking the box Allow to overwrite existing suppliers)
2. ADD NEW SUPPLIERS: Manually add 01 car supplier
Step 1: Click to add 01 new supplier, add a minimum of fields marked with *. Then, click to save the basic information of a car
Step 2: In the list of Bus suppliers, click on the name of the supplier or left-click on the menu bar and then select Edit to continue adding data according to the Tabs shown below:

1. General

+ Code: to distinguish it from other suppliers, this code is automatically generated when add new, can be changed accordingly. Supplier codes can't be the same

+ Status: The status of the supplier in relation to the business

+ Name: Name of the car

+ Address: Address of the car, including 3 fields Country - City - Address

+ Email: Contact email of the car (When the Operator makes a booking with Supplier, this email is automatically used by the system)

+ Phone number/Fax/Hotline: Contact

+ Website: Website of the car

+ Services provided: Types of services that this Supplier provides in addition to Car services (tickets, restaurants, cruises, ..)

+ Evaluation: In the process of using the service, the customer can evaluate the quality of the service. The system will make statistics automatically based on those evaluations

+ Description: Description, general introduction of the supplier

+ File: Attach files related to the supplier such as contracts, business licenses, ...

a) Supplier Status: There are 5 statuses, which are shown in a colored square in front of the provider name:

New: New supplier cooperates with business

Active: The supplier has cooperated with the business for a certain period of time

Failed: Stop cooperating

Urgent: Preferred supplier

Closed: Supplier has stopped working

If one of the 4 fields: Supplier Name, Abbreviation, Bussiness License (or Tax ID) is added with other Suppliers in the system, the system will warn "Duplicate data error" as shown in the picture below. The system allows you to choose Continue saving or Cancel.

Image: Warning when data is duplicated with other Supplier in the system

b) COD: It is a function to set up a payment schedule between businesses and suppliers based on the date of service use

To set the time to the system sends email notification of payment date, set the following settings:
Step 1: Access Menu -> System -> General Configuration -> Cronjobs Configuration

Step 2: In the Command column find the line with the path /cronjobs/supplier_debt.php and click to edit and setting


  • Minutes, hours: Time to send payment reminders to accounting email and admin email
  • Day of the month, Month, Day of the week, Command, Type: to system default
  • Date of notification of supplier debt: The number of days the notice is sent to email before the COD payment due date
  • Peration: Open/Close email notification function

For example:

Service date is August 24, 2022.

COD Before: 3 days > Payment date is August 21, 2022.

Debt Supplier notification date: 7 days before > The system will send a reminder email to pay Supplier's debt on August 14 - 20, 2022

The system will send a reminder email to the Accountant's mailbox within the set time until the Accountant completes the payment to this Supplier.

2. Contact

Manage the list of created Car Supplier contacts such as Director, Sales, Accountant,...
Image: Contact tab in Car Supplier details

- Click to add a new contact, then fill in the required information

- Click at the contact want to change the information. After editing, click to finish

- Click to delete the contact

- Click to view the contact
Image: Add new/ Edit a contact
Note: Fields marked with * are required fields, cannot be left blank, otherwise the contact cannot be saved.

3. Services

Include service information of the Supplier

There are 02 ways to add new services:

1. Import file

Download the Import file in the Supplier's Services Tab

Enter data according to minimum data requirements:


+ When adding the data to the Excel file, you need attention, view here

+ The system checks for duplicate product codes, so each service provided has a unique code, no duplicates

+ When copying data to a file, select Paste value only

2. Add Directly

- Click to add a new car service

The required information includes:

+ Code: Service code

+ Name of service

+ Applied Time: The period under the contract to apply the price policy for Supplier

+ Currency: Select the currency of the service

+ Nett Price: The price paid to the Supplier

+ Sale Price: The sale price for customers of the travel company

+ Note: Bus program content or other information

+ VAT 10%: If the price in the contract is the price inclusive of 10% VAT, you need to tick this box so that when finalizing the tour, the system can extract VAT-In in the service price.


+ Icon will appear in the Code column for services that have passed the applied time period.

+ The service price can be selected in many different currencies in the list.

+ To view the service price update history, for the purpose of capturing the price increase or decrease after each change, click the system will display Price Change History.

4. Booking

Statistics of tours using the services of that Car.

Image: Booking tab in Car Supplier details

- displays the total number of bookings/ tours using the supplier's services

- Select the time period from... to... then click to search for bookings/tours within the filtered period

- Click to print the list of bookings/tours in the filtered period

- Click to download the tour/booking list in the filtered period (format: Excel)

- Click at each service to view its details


Statistics of Quotes related to that supplier in case that Supplier acts as a customer who wants to buy tour, the tab displays the number of quotes for the Supplier on the required tour.

Image: Tab Quotes in Car details

- is the number of Quotations generated for the Supplier

- Click to add new quote

- Click at the Quote you want to edit, then change the necessary information.

6. Bank Account

Statistics of Bank Accounts that Car Suppliers use to make transactions.
Image: Bank Account tab in Car details

+ Click to add a new Bank Account. Information to be entered includes:

+ Account number: Bank account number

+ Account name: Bank account name

+ Bank name: Name of the bank registered to open the account

+ Open at a branch: Branch opens a bank

+ Swift code: Bank-specific codes are used in global interbank transactions. Usually, Swift Codes need to be provided when making foreign transactions.

Note: The information fields when adding a new account are required to be filled in, cannot be left blank otherwise it is not possible to add a new account.

Image: Add a new bank account

- After adding all information, click to save the added information.

- Click at the bank account you want to edit, then change the necessary information.

- Click to delete the Bank Account in the list.

7. Contract

Manage the list of Contracts signed between the enterprise and the Car Supplier

Image: Contract tab in Car details

- Click to add a new Contract. Fill in the necessary information about the Contract, attach the file if necessary, then press to finish. Any fields that are not necessary can be omitted.

- Click at the contract which you want to change information.

- After editing, click to finish.

- Click to detele.

- Click to view the contract

8. Task

Manage the list of internally assigned tasks related to the Car Supplier

Image: Tasks tab in the details of a Car Supplier.

- Click to add new task. The information to enter includes:

+ Task name: Title of working

+ Estimated Time: Suggested time to do the job, deadline

+ Operate by: Select the recipient of the working, the system displays a list of all user accounts in the system. Multiple people can select at the same time. When clicking Save job, the job recipient will be notified through Email

+ Task: Categorize work

+ Priority: The importance of the working so that the recipient can arrange a reasonable time to finish the work

+ Description/ Note: Detailed content of the working, notes of the Assignor to the Recipient

+ Attachment: Attach files related to the assigned work. After adding the information, click to finish

Image: Add new task

- Click at the task which you want to change information.

- After editing, click to finish.

- Click to detele the Task.
- Click to view the Task

9. Appointment

Manage a list of scheduled appointments with Car Suppliers.
Image: Appointment tab in Car Supplier

- Click to add a new appointment, the information to enter includes:

+ Content: Appointment content. This is a required field to be filled in.

+ Location: Working place, working exchange

+ Type of work: Choose how to handle work

+ Starting date - Finishing date: Date of appointment

+ Description/ Note: Explain the content, outline through the content, the purpose of the appointment

Image: Add new Appointment

- Click at the Appointment which you want to change information.

- After editing, click to finish.

- Click to detele the Appointment.
- Click to view the Appointment

10. Emails

This tab statistics of all emails booked with Car Suppliers. Bookings with the Supplier are performed in the Operation.

Image: Tab Email in the Car Supplier

  • Click to view or delete email content booked with the Suppliers.
  • To resend the email to Suppliers, click

Image: View the email content sent to the supplier

11. Prepaid Management

Manage the amounts paid to Car Suppliers but not yet used, deduct payment for the next service

Image: Prepaid Management of Car Supplier

- Click to top up the Supplier's prepayments. Including:

+ Description: Explain the reason for the deposit

+ Amount: Additional recharge amount

+ Currency unit: Select the appropriate currency.

Image: Add new Credit

- Click to correct the amount of the deposit added.

- Click to Remove additional deposited funds.


Amounts in parentheses () are those that have been used, then the system deducts from the total amount deposited and display in the Balance section. If the Balance shows the amount in parentheses, the deposit amount is negative and businesses need to Top-up to use it for the next service of the Supplier.

Update: 12/2022


Hotel | Guide | Visa | Air Ticket |Restaurant | Cruise |

| Land Tour | Car | Train | Boat | Bus | Landscapes Ticket| Other Service |