Income/ Revenue
Menu -> Report -> Income/Revenue
Here, keep track of booking sales By time period:
After finding and filtering the fields to keep track of booking sales, a list appears, including information such as:
- Employee code.
- Sales.
- Department: The employee's department.
- Booking number: The number of bookings that the employee makes.
To view the Income/ Revenue details of a sales for a period of time, click employee's name. Details include:
- Booking code of that employee made
- Total Booking
- The remaining amount
- Customer name
- Tour operator after booking transfer
- Revenue chart: Number of bookings and revenue/income of sales are updated according to the date that booking is moved to implementation status
Image 1: Booking Revenue Chart
Image 2: Estimated Revenue Chart of a Salesman
In addition to tracking sales and revenue in the form of charts, you can also track by list by clicking on the icon in the upper - right corner of each chart, then select to List form
Image: Change the format to display the chart
Select to Export the Excel file to your computer if needed
Update: 7/11/2022