Frontpage Languages

This is a place that you can fix a Frontpage Language without a technical assistance.

Includes 2 main languages English and Vietnamese, other languages operate similarly.


Choose the language you want to fix and follow the instuctions below:

Step 1: Copy words that you wanna edit on the website

Step 2: Access Admin: Menu > Settings > Frontpage language --> Click at the language you choose

Step 3: A screen shows list of words. Press F3, then Paste the word that you copied at Step 1 to search and edit it. If it doesn't exit, add new word to the table.

- Key: is the original word you need to edit, the word that you copied at Step 1

- Value: is the word you want to edit to show on the website

Then press Enter to Save changes.


+ Input data in "Key" can't end with [Space]

+ You must search for the word need to edit before add new word. Only add new if that word doesn't exit