SEO Tools

To update SEO information in the system, the administrator accesses the following steps:

Step 1: Setting/ Seo Tools

Step 2: The admin updates the SEO data. The system's primary processes consist of

1. Add New: To add a new, perform the following steps:

Click --> Copy and paste the link to create a new one --> Fill meta title --> Fill meta Description --> Fill Meta key word --> Click Save

In which:

+ Link: The system's url already has a default domain name; simply copy the url after the website domain name


Full Url:

The url used in the Link box: /site-builder

+ Meta title: is a title tag that briefly and accurately describes the content inside the web page or article

+ Meta Description: provides Google and other search engines with a summary of the page's content or brief description. (The first 3 lines of content google index under the title)

+ Meta Key word: is a tag used to declare keywords for search engines

2. Search: Perform a search for a certain meta tag in the list by copying the URL into the search box and clicking to search.

3. List of meta tags: Information is presented in the following order: STT, link, meta tag information (title, description, and keyword), function (view, edit, delete)

At the list of Meta Tags, pay attention to the length of each item such as title, description and key word

The system indicates the number of characters in the title and description in blue when it is acceptable, red when it is too lengthy, and gray when it is too short. The title is between 10 and 70 characters, and the description is between 70 and 160 characters, therefore the quantity of characters in each item is clearly stated.

In addition, for multilingual websites, you need to pay attention to declare for each language by:

+ Click on the language icon on the top of the page

+ Then, select the Seo Tools section and perform the same operations as mentioned above such as adding new meta tags, searching, editing, deleting meta tags that are no longer needed.